Sunday, May 15, 2011


Some may find this morbid, but I have decided to donate my body to science, on a few circumstances. I will not allow them to bury me and have pig eat me to decide how long it take for a body to decompose. No body farm stuff. I feel that my body is so jacked up that maybe Doctor's can learn something. I mean "HELLO- MY BODY IS THE BIGGEST MESS INSIDE YOU CAN FIND!" Personally I would like to have pieces of my insides on display at museums ( now that is morbid!) Ever since I saw a thing on Travel channel about the museum in Philly that has medical miracles  I want to be there!
Blog you later!

Monday, May 2, 2011


Today I woke up to the news that the #1 most wanted man was dead! Bin Laden! I was excited but not convinced. I believe that we believe we got him but not sure it's really him! I hope it is, but I watch many of the reality crime shows and see how you can fake DNA. I don't want to feel so negative but it just seems unreal. Then to that, I also worry that new terrorist attacks will take place and due to this more lives lost. I am happy he is gone- though, I wish death on now one and think it was a nice thing that we carried out barrial traditions for such an awful man (though, I'm not so sure they really did! We believe the news too much!)- but think we may have stirred the bees nest! I want the soldiers to come home to their families and not sure this will help the cause!

Blog you later!


To my readers,

I am sorry for my lack of writing! Contrary to belief I started this so I could write when I feel the need! Yes, I have been wanting to write but as I have found I don't have as much down town as I did when I had health issues. I think that is a good thing. I do check comments and how many viewers I have, but I don't always have the time to sit down and write as much as I would really like. I don't want to have a blog that is 2 or 3 sentences- I want to have paragraphs and pages. If I could blog during my free time at work I would but that is not permitted and I follow that rules. So bare with me and know that I will write when I get a chance!

Blog you later!