Sunday, October 2, 2011


So I was really hoping that when I got home from Florida the doors would open and I would be pointed in the direction my life will take. That job opportunities would come up and I would be inspired. I did realize I was stupid for giving up on my marine biology dream. I enjoyed all the marine life and would love to work with my sea friends, but because I gave up following that in my degree, I can't. I really enjoyed the atmosphere in Disney and sea world and thought it would be fun to work there- but you can't live off  selling merchandise forever. I guess I'm super disappointed. I thought maybe jobs would open in the school system, but I have been turned down so many times it feels hopeless. I feel  like at 25 I should have the path I want and be settled. Yet I'm more confused then ever. I don't want a relationship until I'm settled with me. I need to find me and my direction. I just feel super lost right now and I guess that's got me down. I just was really hoping to have "my life" together and being on my own next year. Sigh!