Thursday, August 18, 2011

Not worth it!

Here is my rant on friendship (and one of the blogs that many nights gets longer and longer-- depending on my day!) My mom say I need more friends and I say why they just disappoint you. True- all those people you went to school and said you'd be BFF and then when you need them the most they are gone. Granted my situation of getting deathly ill in school is different more than most but you just want a friend- not someone who treats you as diseased and won't touch you with a 10 ft pole, It hurts. So I really try to hate people and make them make me like them. I don't let many in now a days because people have made me bitter. For instance I made 2 new friends close to my age this year and all they were were full of empty promises. I got hurt and then said forget them. It makes it hard to trust people I'd rather be at home with myself because I can always do something that makes me happy, and very seldom do I disappoint myself, and when I do, I can fix it!

Blog you later!


  1. Jaimie
    I don’t know whether to feel sorry for you or be pissed at you. Hate people because someone disappointed you? Didn’t act the way you thought they should? Showed their short comings because they couldn’t accept you for what you are? That’s the way people are in the real world! Those two people you befriended weren’t friends; they were associates, and you have to go through many ‘associates’ to find just one friend. In the short time I’ve known you, you’ve never shown bitterness; only kindness and love for all things; children, your family, animals and people you’ve worked with. The fact that you put up with my gruff ways shows you have understanding about folks. Don’t let people that are weak and shallow hurt you with their uncaring ways. Be strong and show that strength to the world. Meet people with that winning smile of yours and one day that someone special will see it and you’ll be living happily ever after! But that won’t happen if you stay at home with yourself.
    Your (dare I say it) friend,

  2. Art I do consider you a friend. I just always think twice before making a friend!

  3. So, how do you 'think twice' about someone if you don't go out and meet them? Or do you put a sign out in front of the house saying 'Interviewing for friends today'? lol You can't have cupcakes unless you take the time to make them.
    Just remember, YOU are the one making the choice and if they don't accept you as you, kick their ass to the curb and move on.
