Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More of the War!

I talked yesturday about my love for knowledge of Abe and the civil war.  Little did I know that I would be surrounded by it today. 150 years ago to day the Civil war started (ended?- one says one thing and one says another! I'm not good at date facts!) I makes me want to get out there and explore. I live really close to a few battle fields, the nations capital, ford's theater, the civil war trail and not to far from some key sites in PA and VA. I am the history buff of my family and don't know many with my passion to learn so going on my own is not fun ( and mom doesn't allow that either! I know I'm 25 but I do live at home and don't pay rent so I can abide by the rules!) So here is a shout out to those who are interested in history like me- and if you want to be my travel companion- message me!

Blog you later!


  1. Are you sure you're 25 and not 10? You're missing out on so much of life in your early years. What will you do when she is gone?

  2. Art, I must listen! Most of my life was wasted! I was sick remember! I will be young when I'm old like you! LOL
