Monday, April 4, 2011

Will he be back?

Saw on the news today that Obama has decide to run next election. I wanted to break the tv. I'm not real political, by any means, but think he sucks! He has left campaign promises on the back burner, like the Iraq war. I mean I know he's only been in office, what, 2 years, but I didn't expect that he would wait till his last day in office to meet that promise. I didn't vote for him, I voted republican because I thought Sarah Palin would be hilarious, and we need funny to help us deal with the way the world is now a days. Would it have been the best choice- probably not, but I felt like the republican party may have gotten more done in the short time it has taken for the economy to fall down. I like to think more would have been done in wake of the oil spill in the gulf. I like to think that the war may have been coming to a close and less people would loose family members. I would like to think that maybe there could have been peace in the middle east. All this comes from a person not registered to any political party( I was independent until, Maryland no longer accepted that as a party) and someone who would rather see Abe Lincoln in office or one of the first 18 presidents. Call me old fashion but I have more faith in them than I do today's society. I am now subbing and fear for the country in 50 years. The kindergartners are telling each other they will slash their throats. I was afraid for the world when I was in-school but I see now that it may even be worse. I know some of you that read this and may  hate me for my opinion but, Lord help us if he wins again!

Blog you later!

1 comment:

  1. omama is an out and out liar and will destroy our country if left unchecked.
