Wednesday, April 20, 2011


This week is spring break for me. I have learned in the few days I have had off that I have many obsessions. One- the stupid baby eagles. I now have the whole family in on it. We leave the link up all day and check in frequently. I sit and sit and then 20 minutes is gone. It frustrates me some but I enjoy it. two- checking facebook. I am a facebook junkie, but today I want nothing to do with it. I guess like with everything I get bored with it. Three- True Blood. I finished watching season 2 and am upset that they won't have season 3 out until later next month. I can't wait that long. That it horriable. Four my camera. I have done something mon., tues., and wed. this week where I could take out the camera and shoot. I love that- I love taking it out and finding interesting things to photograph. Wish I did it more but everything at home has been photographed and if I stick another outfit on my poor dog she may eat my hand. Here's to hopeing I find something to do thursday and friday so my camera doesn't get lonely. Lastly, my kindle. (Ken!) I put him away for a short period of time and now I love to snuggle at night with him. I rock him to sleep and tell him good night. (ok, I'm only kidding, but he is my friend!) I'm sure this list will grow-- as it does everyday. Who knows what tomorrow will bring!

Blog you later!

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